Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2020

Hello world

Hi all! This is my first ever blog post! Well, that's a lie. I *started* a blog once in 8th grade about a garden club my friend and I started, but that kind of went downhill. For all intents and purposes, consider THIS my first blog.

I had debated whether to start a vlog (short for video blog), but decided that would consume too much of my time. Instead, I decided to start a blog (short for web log) as a way to express my thoughts and interests. A lot of this will probably bore you, but if you find something you like, awesome! Please peruse (or skim) as you like.

For my first post, I think I'll keep this relatively journal-esque: instead of studying for an important exam I have coming up, I am spending my extra time during this pandemic to develop novel strategies of procrastination. Today, that includes blogging. My mom keeps saying she doesn't know what food to make for dinner, and I suggested Wingstop (if your fav includes lemon-pepper or mango habanero you are one of the real ones).

Let's pretend I took this high definition photo

For now, take care! It seems I can't order wings today (even though...yes...I ordered some yesterday 😔).


Hello blog. I have been feeling overwhelmed these past few days and need to get my feelings out there. I hope this will help me release some...