Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ice Adolescence

One thing about me is that I can tend to get emphatic about something to the point nearing obsession, so here goes.

This post is about the recent announcement on Thanksgiving Day about the more recent trailer for the upcoming anime film: Ice Adolescence! ❄😭😍⛸

I can...hardly...contain myself!!! AAHHHH. Everything NOT okay. The trailer that released for this is another teaser, but a beautiful one nonetheless. This is exactly (next to a vaccine) the panacea we need after 2020. I think the movie is scheduled for release in 2021, but they didn't give a release date. Either way, I am ready for this movie and I absoLUTEly can't wait.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends/family. There's a video by BrainPop that captures really well the meaning the national holiday has, not just for its celebrants, but also for the Indigenous Americans across the modern-day U.S. who were pushed off their land and forced to adopt a different way of life at the hands of colonization and the idea of manifest destiny.

Taking time to consider it on Thanksgiving would not be a bad idea, while still being grateful for all the gifts we have in our lives. Learn more about Native American Heritage Day.


Hello blog. I have been feeling overwhelmed these past few days and need to get my feelings out there. I hope this will help me release some...