Thursday, September 17, 2020

Medical School Applications

Heyo blog! Life update: sorry I didn't write anything in August. I actually got SUPER busy, honest. On the bright side, I can finally say that I've finished all of my medical school applications! I:
  • Took my MCAT in June
  • Submitted my primary application in July
  • Sent in all of my secondary essays in August
I'm happy to report that I currently have received two interview invitations! One at UT Southwestern (Dallas, TX) and another at UT Medical Branch (Galveston, TX). I am insanely grateful and a bit surprised about getting invitations so early, but nevertheless excited (and nervous)! 😁

I will try to make more posts *cries* but in the meantime, stay informed about the risks of certain activities during Covid-19:


Hello blog. I have been feeling overwhelmed these past few days and need to get my feelings out there. I hope this will help me release some...